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Express BASIC Express BASIC is a minimal BASIC dialect with an open source and cross platform intrerpreter written in C. The language is inspired by Dartmouth, Palo Alto, Altair, GW BASIC, and the many dialects of Tiny BASIC.
Craft Basic Craft Basic is a BASIC interpreter for Windows 95 and up. Learn programming, make simple games, write code interactively, perform complex calculations, display cool graphics, build windows with forms, write useful scripts, and more...
Commando Basic Are you ready to start developing applications? Commando Basic is designed to be easy for anyone to learn. It's simple, but also powerful enough to handle serious tasks. With time and practice, you can become a Code Commando.
FTC BASIC FTC BASIC means fast tiny compiled BASIC. It is a BASIC compiler for x86 DOS. The compiler is written in QuickBasic and generates FASM output. Using batch files, you may compile your source to com files instantly. Generated com files are tiny and fast. They start at less than 50 bytes.

Today is: Saturday, 01/18/25 -  Delayed Express BASIC Update: Update time! This one is later than expected. A server migration set us back.One Click Network Released: This setup contains a set of GUI client and server applications. The first is called One Click Server and the other is One Click Client.Bleeding edge update!: The update includes: 1. SPACE$() function as an alias for TAB() to help with portability of BASIC code 2. Bitwise operators BAND, BOR, and BNOT(). XOR was already bitwise 3. HEX$() and OCT$() functionsAwesome Express BASIC update!: These past weeks, many improvements and fixes were made. New features include the commands COLOR and LOCATE. String operations have also been implemented.Massive Express BASIC update!: We have been working hard for the past few weeks on this update and have made a lot of progress. Here's a few things that have been added or fixed...Important Update for Express BASIC: After weeks of painful research and debugging, we have finally released the next update. We're still going to remain in alpha version. You never know if and when a new problem may surface.Express Calculator released: A command line scientific calculator for DOS, Windows, and Linux. Written in C.Happy Valentine's Day 2024: Thank you Brian for creating this inspirational Valentine's card. Happy Valentine's day 2024 to everyone!Craft Basic version 1.7.1 released: This is a small update, so I decided this will be v1.7.1 and not v1.8. Did some cleaning up of the examples. Added more examples ported from other languages.Express BASIC - an interpreter in C: The syntax is very close to Net Basic. Most programs written in Express BASIC will run in QBasic or GWBasic with little modification.

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